
Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain

PESGBBedford has a local branch of the PESGB based at the University of Bedfordshire, Polhill Campus.  They arrange lectures and seminars on the philosophy of education for academics, teachers and interested people in the community. Speakers are from various universities and other academic institutions.

More details are available at the Bedford PESGB website: http://www.philosophy-of-education.org/about/bedford-branch.html  or by contacting the Branch Secretary, Dr Neil Hopkins (neil.hopkins@beds.ac.uk) for more information about PESGB activities.


East of EnglanKIDS-COUNTRY-LOGO-BORDER1-850x603d Agricultural Society outreach programme – Kids Country

The East of England Agricultural Society’s educational outreach programme, Kids Country, which has proved very successful since its launch in 2013 and has gained strong support from schools for its hands-on and stimulating experiences. Children can see, hear, touch and explore whilst learning about food, farming, livestock and the countryside.  These events, which incorporate elements of the national curriculum, provide both a challenge and an adventure in a fun environment.

General Information leaflet 2016                  Kids Country events overview        Grow your own potatoes        Food and Farming Day